Our Story

Ever since 7th grade in shop class I knew I had wanted to get into carpentry and tools. Something about making original crafts captivated me.

Then in 2020, there was a Facebook Marketplace ad that caught my attention. The ad was for five black walnut trees someone wanted removed. As long as I took them down safely, they were mine to have. That brought back my interest in carpentry in full force. I worked with some friends and had the five trees taken down. I contacted a gentleman to come out and use his sawmill to cut them to usable lumber. We had an incredible amount of gorgeous wood. We stacked and dried them for years just waiting to use them. Finally last year I made my first dining table for myself and wife in our home. Now I want to open up and make anything and everything!

Without further ado, I present KP Sawdust Studio. Thank you for being here!